Comparing: Classical / Hebrew Bible
- Josephus Antiquities of the Jews
- Josephus Antiquities of the Jews 1.10.2 / Genesis 14:18
- Philo Allegorical Interpretation
- Philo Allegorical Interpretation 3.251 / Genesis 3:18 / Pseudo Jonathan Genesis 3:18
- Pseudo Philo Biblical Antiquities
- Pseudo Philo Biblical Antiquities 11:5 / Isaiah 34:4
- Pseudo Philo Biblical Antiquities 12:2 / Exodus 32:2
- Philo On Dreams
- Philo On Dreams 2.67 / Leviticus 10:2
- Philo The Special Laws
- Philo The Special Laws 1.110 / Leviticus 21:13 / LXX Leviticus 21:12-14
- Hesiod Works and Days
- Hesiod Works and Days 140 / Daniel 2:33
- Philo On the Confusion of Tongues
- Philo On the Confusion of Tongues 15 / Genesis 11:1 / Jubilees 10:22
- Philo On Abraham
- Philo On Abraham 235 / Genesis 14:18