Daniel 7:10

Hebrew Bible

8 “As I was contemplating the horns, another horn—a small one—came up between them, and three of the former horns were torn out by the roots to make room for it. This horn had eyes resembling human eyes and a mouth speaking arrogant things. 9While I was watching, thrones were set up, and the Ancient of Days took his seat. His attire was white like snow; the hair of his head was like lamb’s wool. His throne was ablaze with fire, and its wheels were all aflame. 10 A river of fire was streaming forth and proceeding from his presence. Many thousands were ministering to him; many tens of thousands stood ready to serve him. The court convened, and the books were opened.

1 Enoch 106:3


1 And after some days my son Methuselah took a wife for his son Lamech, and she became pregnant and bore a son. 2 He said to him: 'Behold, here I am, my son, why have you come to me?' 3 His body was white as snow and red as a blooming rose, and the hair of his head and his long locks were white as wool, and his eyes beautiful. When he opened his eyes, he lit up the whole house like the sun, and the whole house was very bright. 4 Thereupon he arose in the hands of the midwife, opened his mouth, and conversed with the Lord of righteousness.

 Notes and References
"... miraculous Noachic birth stories are attested in other Second Temple literature, such as Genesis Apocryphon, 1 Enoch 106, and 1Q19, and can therefore be used to set a precedent for the presentation of a Noachic figure in 4Q534–536. On the other hand, the details of the birth narrative in 4Q534–536 do not match other stories of Noah’s birth. In 4Q534–4Q536, for example, the infant is described as having red hair, a lentil on his face, and small birthmarks on his thigh. He is born in “the fifth hour” of the night, comes out “whole” at a weight of “350 shekels,” and “sleeps until half his days are done.” In contrast, 1 Enoch 106:2–3 states ... In 1 Enoch, Noah is described as angelic because the author is attempting to contrast Noah with the Watchers, and also to foreshadow the salvific mission that Noah has been chosen to undertake. Lamech unsurprisingly suspects Noah of being the offspring of a Watcher because of his angelic appearance. He goes to Methuselah, who in turn travels to the “ends of the earth” to ask Enoch about the truth of Lamech’s son Noah (106:8–18). Enoch, however, explains to Methuselah that Noah is in fact Lamech’s child, and he will “be righteous and blameless. And call his name Noah for he will be your remnant from whom you will find rest” (1 Enoch 106:18). Thus, in its present context, the imagery used to describe Noah’s birth signifies his righteous perfection as well as his salvific mission to be carried out six hundred years later. It was on account of the Fallen Angels that the world will be destroyed, but it will also be saved on account of an angel-like man, Noah ..."

Penner, Jeremy "Is 4Q534-536 Really About Noah?" in Stone, Michael E., et al. (eds.) Noah and His Book(s) (pp. 97-112) Society of Biblical Literature, 2010

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