Isaiah 24:21

Hebrew Bible

19 The earth is broken in pieces, the earth is ripped to shreds, the earth shakes violently. 20 The earth will stagger around like a drunk; it will sway back and forth like a hut in a windstorm. Its sin will weigh it down, and it will fall and never get up again. 21 At that time the Lord will punish the heavenly forces in the heavens and the earthly kings on the earth. 22 They will be imprisoned in a pit, locked up in a prison, and after staying there for a long time, they will be punished. 23 The full moon will be covered up, the bright sun will be darkened; for the Lord of Heaven’s Armies will rule on Mount Zion in Jerusalem in the presence of his assembly, in majestic splendor.

1 Enoch 18:13


12 I saw there seven stars like great burning mountains, and to me, when I inquired about them, 13 The angel said: 'This place is the end of heaven and earth; this has become a prison for the stars and the host of heaven. 14 And the stars which roll over the fire are those which have transgressed the command of the Lord at the beginning of their rising, because they did not come forth at their appointed times.

 Notes and References
"... Essentially, the imagery is that the stars and their movement are restricted to this inferno—roasting over the fiery mountains, as it were. The imagery is both (counter) astronomical and theological. Bautch notes: Stars and other heavenly bodies were understood in antiquity to be sentient beings…. Isaiah 24:21 is quite reminiscent of 1 Enoch 18:13–14: at a time of universal judgment the Lord will punish both the host of heaven (“host of the heights”) and kings of the earth, throwing them into a pit where they will be shut up as in a prison and punished…. In the context of 1 Enoch 18:13–16, it is not clear what natural phenomena the author has in mind by stars that fail to come out at their appointed times. We know only that these stars are imprisoned at the end of heaven and earth (1 Enoch 18:14); according to the Greek gloss of 1 Enoch 18:15, that place is located outside of the heavens, best understood as a void ..."

Heiser, Michael S. A Companion to the Book of Enoch: A Reader’s Commentary, Vol. 1 (p. 184) Defender Publishing, 2019

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