Job 41:1

Hebrew Bible

1Can you pull in Leviathan with a hook and tie down its tongue with a rope? 2 Can you put a cord through its nose or pierce its jaw with a hook? 3 Will it make numerous supplications to you; will it speak to you with tender words? 4 Will it make a pact with you, so you could take it as your slave for life? 5 Can you play with it, like a bird, or tie it on a leash for your girls?

1 Enoch 60:6


5 And when the day of power, punishment, and judgment comes, which the Lord of Spirits has prepared for those who do not worship the righteous law, and for those who deny the righteous judgment, and for those who take His name in vain—that day is prepared, for the chosen a covenant, but for sinners an inquisition. 6 On that day, two great monsters were separated, a female monster named Leviathan, to dwell in the depths of the ocean over the springs of waters. 7 The male is named Behemoth, who with his chest occupies a desolate wilderness named Dûidâin, east of the garden where the chosen and righteous dwell, where my grandfather was taken up, the seventh from Adam, the first man whom the Lord of Spirits created.

 Notes and References
"... 1 Enoch 60 promotes the dominion of the “Head of Days” in several ways: his enthronement, emphasis on the deity’s universal control, and his taming of the sea, Leviathan, and Behemoth. Each of these features is a constituent element of the conflict motif, and each contributes to the legitimating ideology of the text. In 1 Enoch 60, the angel Michael explains to Noah what will happen when “the day” of punishment and judgment comes, including the role of Leviathan and Behemoth, who will feast upon those being punished. The passage begins with Noah seeing the “Head of Days” (Ethiopic rĕ’sa mawā‘ĕl) sitting on the “throne of his glory,” surrounded by angels and the righteous (1 Enoch 60:1–2). The sight of the enthroned “Head of Days” is so astounding that Noah trembles and faints (1 Enoch 60:3–4). An angel rouses Noah from his stupor (1 Enoch 60:4), and Michael then explains what will happen “when the day, and the power, and the punishment, and the judgment come, which the Lord of Spirits has prepared for those who worship not the righteous law” (1 Enoch 60:5–6). This day will include “a covenant for the elect, but an inquisition for sinners” (1 Enoch 60:6). The passage continues with discussion of the initial “divisions” and placement of various figures and phenomena, including Leviathan, Behemoth, winds, the moon, stars, thunder, lightning, the sea, dew, and rain. Throughout, the passage emphasizes that these figures and phenomena are carefully and fully controlled by various spirits. The sea in particular is controlled with reins and a bridle ... 1 Enoch 60 presumes such a taming of Leviathan and Behemoth as well as the sea, and these figures are completely within the control of the creator deity ..."

Ballentine, Debra Scoggins The Conflict Myth and the Biblical Tradition (pp. 154-155) Oxford University Press, 2015

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