Psalm 3:7

Hebrew Bible

5 I rested and slept; I awoke, for the Lord protects me. 6 I am not afraid of the multitude of people who attack me from all directions. 7 Rise up, Lord! Deliver me, my God! Yes, you will strike all my enemies on the jaw; you will break the teeth of the wicked. 8 The Lord delivers; you show favor to your people. (Selah)

1 Enoch 46:3


3 'And this Son of Man whom you have seen will raise up the kings and the mighty from their seats, and the strong from their thrones, will loosen the reins of the strong, and break the teeth of the sinners.' 4 'And he shall depose the kings from their thrones and kingdoms because they do not praise and honor Him, nor humbly acknowledge where the kingdom was bestowed upon them.'

 Notes and References
"... Protection metaphors are as diverse as the many threat metaphors to which they respond. Protection from a fatal slip might come in the form of a helping hand from the Lord (Psalm 145:14), from his strong right hand (Psalm 18:35-36) or even from his hesed (“steadfast love” [Psalm 94:18]). This might also be accompanied by better trail maintenance (Psalm 18:35-36). The fear of disappearance into the depths or into the pit of Sheol provokes the cry “Do not let the depths engulf me, do not let the pit swallow me” (Psalm 69:14-15), although, ironically, Job seeks temporary asylum in Sheol (Job 14:13). If the lion, feral dog or wild ox—or people who are equally rapacious—threaten the psalmist’s soul, then the protector breaks jaw, fang, claw and horn (Job 29:17; Psalms 3:7; 22:21; 58:6; 75:10; 124:6) ..."

Longman, Tremper, and Peter Enns Dictionary of the Old Testament: Wisdom, Poetry & Writings (p. 528) Inter-Varsity Press, 2008

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