Daniel 7:9

Hebrew Bible

9While I was watching, thrones were set up, and the Ancient of Days took his seat. His attire was white like snow; the hair of his head was like lamb’s wool. His throne was ablaze with fire, and its wheels were all aflame. 10 A river of fire was streaming forth and proceeding from his presence. Many thousands were ministering to him; many tens of thousands stood ready to serve him. The court convened, and the books were opened. 11 “Then I kept on watching because of the arrogant words of the horn that was speaking. I was watching until the beast was killed and its body destroyed and thrown into the flaming fire. 12 As for the rest of the beasts, their ruling authority had already been removed, though they were permitted to go on living for a time and a season. 13 “I was watching in the night visions, And with the clouds of the sky, one like a son of man was approaching. He went up to the Ancient of Days and was escorted before him.

1 Enoch 46:1


1 And there I saw One who had a head of days, and His hair was white like wool. With Him was another being whose countenance resembled that of a man, and his face was full of graciousness, like one of the holy angels. 2 And I asked the angel who accompanied me and showed me all the hidden things, about that Son of Man, who he was, where he was from, and why he accompanied the Head of Days? The angel answered and said to me: 'This is the Son of Man who possesses righteousness, with whom righteousness dwells, and who reveals all the hidden treasures, because the Lord of Spirits has chosen him, and his status is foremost before the Lord of Spirits in uprightness forever.'

 Notes and References
"... The messianic figure in the Parables, who is to be the executor of divine judgment against the rebel angels and the kings and the mighty, is designated by four names: most frequently "the Chosen One"; twice "the Righteous One"; twice "the Anointed One." Several times he is called "Son of Man." However, since this term is almost always qualified ("this Son of Man," "that Son of Man," "the Son of Man who ..."), we must be cautious in calling it a title. The names of the exalted one are derived ultimately from three types of scriptural texts. "Son of Man" has been drawn from Daniel 7. "Chosen One" and "Righteous One" are titles of the Deutero-Isaianic Servant of the Lord. "Anointed One" is a messianic title strictly speaking. The major references to the exalted one occur in a series of heavenly tableaux that describe events leading to the enthronement of the Chosen One. In addition to these scenes of dramatic action, there are a number of anticipatory allusions to the functions of the Chosen One. My discussion will draw mainly on the tableaux. The first major text is Chapter 46. In form it is typical of a certain kind of revealed vision: vision, seer's question, answer by the interpreting angel. Enoch's vision is based on Daniel 7:9, 13 ..."

Nickelsburg, George W. "Salvation without and with a Messiah: Developing Beliefs in Writings Ascribed to Enoch" in Neusner, Jacob, et al. (eds.) Judaisms and Their Messiahs at the Turn of the Christian Era (pp. 49-68) Cambridge University Press, 1987

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