Daniel 7:10

Hebrew Bible

9 “While I was watching, thrones were set up, and the Ancient of Days took his seat. His attire was white like snow; the hair of his head was like lamb’s wool. His throne was ablaze with fire, and its wheels were all aflame. 10 A river of fire was streaming forth and proceeding from his presence. Many thousands were ministering to him; many tens of thousands stood ready to serve him. The court convened, and the books were opened. 11 “Then I kept on watching because of the arrogant words of the horn that was speaking. I was watching until the beast was killed and its body destroyed and thrown into the flaming fire. 12 As for the rest of the beasts, their ruling authority had already been removed, though they were permitted to go on living for a time and a season.

1 Enoch 60:1


1 In the year five hundred, in the seventh month, on the fourteenth day of the month in the life of Enoch. In that Parable, I saw how a mighty quaking made the heaven of heavens tremble, and the host of the Most High, and the angels, thousands upon thousands and tens of thousands times ten thousand, were greatly disturbed. 2 The Head of Days sat on the throne of His glory, and the angels and the righteous stood around Him. 3 A great trembling seized me, fear took hold of me, my body weakened, my strength failed, and I fell face down.

 Notes and References
"... “The host of heaven” and its Prince are found in both Deuteronomy-Kings and exilic / post-exilic literature. The passage in 1 Kings 22 portrays YHWH seated on His throne, among the host of heaven who are the celestial agents serving as his advisors (1 Kings 22:19). Similarly, the later text of Daniel 7:10 mentions “a thousand thousands,” and “ten thousand ten thousands” serving the Ancient of Days at his throne, who can be interpreted as the “host.” (Compare Deuteronomy 33:2. White calls them the “citizens of Heaven” in Yahweh's Council) In Deuteronomy-Kings, the phrase “the host of heaven” includes the sun, moon, stars, and planetary bodies (Deuteronomy 4:19, 17:3; 2 Kings 17:16, 21:3, 23:4), and the stars are personified in Judges 5:20. In later literature, we find that stars and the host of heaven are also connected, such as in the vision of Dan 8:10-11, 13 (Compare 12:3). The NT identifies stars and angels in several places (Jude 13, Revelation 1:20, 8:10-11, 9:1, 12:4). In 1 Enoch, the angel Uriel is the head of the heavenly lights and may plausibly be interpreted as the embodiment of light ..."

McGuire-Moushon, Joni Amanda Angels and Sub-Divine Supernatural Beings: Their Characteristics, Function, and Relationship to God and Humanity in Deuteronomy-Function, and Relationship to God and Humanity in Deuteronomy-Kings (p. 183) Andrews University, 2019

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