Psalm 119:89

Hebrew Bible

87 They have almost destroyed me here on the earth, but I do not reject your precepts. 88 Revive me with your loyal love that I might keep the rules you have revealed. 89 ל (Lamed) Forever, O Lord, is your word; it stands secure in heaven.126 90 You demonstrate your faithfulness to all generations. You established the earth and it stood firm. 91 Today they stand firm by your decrees, for all things are your servants.

1 Enoch 99:2


1 Woe to you who engage in godlessness, and glory in lying and extol them: You shall perish, and no happy life shall be yours. 2 Woe to those who distort the words of truth, and violate the eternal law, and transform themselves into what they were not [into sinners]: They shall be trodden underfoot upon the earth. 3 In those days, prepare yourselves, righteous ones, to raise your prayers as a memorial, and set them as a testimony before the angels, that they may present the sins of the sinners as a memorial before the Most High. 4 In those days the nations shall be stirred up, and the families of the nations shall rise on the day of destruction.

 Notes and References
"... Many scholars familiar with the Enochic corpus are struck by the lack of attention the collection pays to the law. To begin with, there are few references to the Sinaitic covenant and to torah, as Nickelsburg notes. The only explicit mention of the Sinai covenant occurs in the Apocalypse of Weeks (1 Enoch 93:6). In contradistinction, the author of the Animal Apocalypse, while transparently alluding to the Sinai theophany, neglects to mention the establishment of a covenant or the giving of torah (compare 1 Enoch 89:29–35). Even the word for ‘covenant’ is rare, according to Nickelsburg; in addition to 1 Enoch 93:6, it occurs with the sense of ‘covenant’ in 1 Enoch 99:2 and 106:13. In the case of 1 Enoch 99:2, Nickelsburg maintains, it is uncertain that the expression ‘eternal covenant’ found in this verse refers to the Mosaic covenant; in the second instance, 1 Enoch 106:13 refers expressly to a heavenly covenant violated by the watchers. Still Nickelsburg admits, following the conclusions of Hartman, that covenantal language familiar from the Pentateuch is used in 1 Enoch 1–5 ..."

Bautch, Kelley Coblentz A Study of the Geography of 1 Enoch 17-19: “No One Has Seen What I Have Seen.” (pp. 289-290) Brill, 2003

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