LXX Exodus 15:3


1 Then Moses and the sons of Israel sang this song to God and they said, saying, “Let us sing to the Lord, for he is gloriously glorified; horse and rider he has cast into the sea.” 2 He has become a helper and protector to me for salvation; this is my God, and I will honor him, God of my father, and I will exalt him. 3 The Lord who shatters wars, the Lord is his name 4 The chariots of Pharaoh and his forces he has cast into the sea. Select riders, officers standing on the chariots, were swallowed up in the Red Sea. 5 In the open sea he covered them; they sank into the deep like a stone.

Judith 16:2


1 And Judith said, Begin a song to my God with tambourines, sing to my Lord with cymbals. Raise to him a new psalm; exalt him, and call upon his name. 2 For the Lord is a God who shatters wars; he sets up his camp among his people; he delivered me from the hands of my pursuers. 3 The Assyrian came down from the mountains of the north; he came with myriads of his warriors; their numbers blocked up the wadis, and their cavalry covered the hills. 4 He boasted that he would burn up my territory, and kill my young men with the sword, and dash my infants to the ground, and seize my children as booty, and take my virgins as spoil.

 Notes and References
"... The final and perhaps most powerful argument in favor of a Greek original for Judith rests on the author’s use of biblical quotations from the Septuagint. The Book of Judith is filled with allusions to biblical scenes, characters, and phrases. There are many quotations, or near quotations, from the Bible, and these biblical citations and quotations almost invariably derive from the LXX rather than the MT. Here we must distinguish between those cases where the Septuagint version of a biblical phrase is a literal translation of the original Hebrew text, and those where the Greek version differs considerably from the original MT. In the first instance, we cannot be certain which version underlies a biblical echo in Judith, but several citations found in Judith clearly stem from the Septuagint, since the cited LXX version differs considerably from the Hebrew. These LXX variants are often better suited to the story of Judith than the MT versions. Judith alludes to the Song of the Sea in both her prayer and her victory hymn, and one of her direct “quotations” is taken from the LXX of Exodus 15:3 where God is said to shatter wars, rather than the Masoretic text where God is a “man of war” ..."

Gera, Deborah Levine Judith (p. 89) De Gruyter, 2014

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