Deuteronomy 4:28

Hebrew Bible

26 I invoke heaven and earth as witnesses against you today that you will surely and swiftly be removed from the very land you are about to cross the Jordan to possess. You will not last long there because you will surely be annihilated. 27 Then the Lord will scatter you among the peoples and there will be very few of you among the nations where the Lord will drive you. 28 There you will worship gods made by human hands—wood and stone that can neither see, hear, eat, nor smell. 29 But if you seek the Lord your God from there, you will find him, if, indeed, you seek him with all your heart and soul. 30 In your distress when all these things happen to you in future days, if you return to the Lord your God and obey him

Sirach 30:19

Ben Sira, Ecclesiasticus

17 Death is better than a life of misery, and eternal sleep than chronic sickness. 18 Good things poured out upon a mouth that is closed are like offerings of food placed upon a grave. 19 Of what use to an idol is a sacrifice? For it can neither eat nor smell. So is the one punished by the Lord; 20 he sees with his eyes and groans as a eunuch groans when embracing a girl. 22 Do not give yourself over to sorrow, and do not distress yourself deliberately.

 Notes and References
"... In Sirach 20:4 it is probable that the eunuch, while emasculated, was still capable of sexual intercourse, and has violated a young woman ('a eunuch's desire to violate a young woman/girl; so is the one who executes judgments by force'). Even though the usual word for virgin is not used here, and we do not know anything about the woman's chastity, the deed of the eunuch is similar to rape, an abuse, and the betrayal of trust, considering the role of eunuchs as guardians of harems, where the women were necessarily not virgins. Judges also had responsibility towards others. If they executed judgment by force it was also an abuse. The situation in Sirach 30:20 seems different ('With his eyes [he sees and groans], like a [eunuch] who embraces a young woman and sighs/groans. So is the one who does judgment under compulsion.'). It describes a eunuch embracing a young woman, but probably not able to have sexual intercourse. Otherwise the analogy with the idol (30:19b) could not be played out. The word does not necessarily mean 'virgin' here. An idol who cannot enjoy the food offering (30:19a) that is brought before it (A reference to drink and grain offerings for idols is found in Isaiah 57:6. References to the condemnation of idols and their makers are found in Deuteronomy 4:28; Psalm 115:47; Isaiah 44:9-11) is compared to the person who is 'punished by the Lord' (30:19) ..."

Balla, Ibolya Ben Sira on Family, Gender, and Sexuality (p. 153) De Gruyter, 2011

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